We have 2 new kids, born last Sat. and both are doing good. One wouldn't leave the sweater on so it must have been warm enough. Still have a few left to kid and had some bad luck with 2 of the yearlings but they will do better next year.
We picked up our Cornish Cross chicks, 30 of them, at Orscheln's today. We are always amazed at how fast they grow-and how much they eat! We usually make it a family day when we dress them for the freezer party.
I will be glad when this snow is gone and the grass starts turning green. My pussy willow bush has opened up a lot so Spring can't be far away.
I worked yesterday and when I got home at 11pm, I heard a baby-like scream coming from the barn. I ran in the house and put the groceries down and went straight to the barn. I found two kids which had been born in the last 10 minutes lying on the straw under a bench. The mother was looking at them and making a low grunt. She is a first year mom and knew she was supposed to be doing something, but what? I let her lick them a little and then took them in the house and we put them in a tub of warm water and blow dried them to warm them up. Neither one of them could stand up. We took them out to the mother again and put them all in the chicken house with a heat lamp. They didn't have the strength to nurse, so my hubby milked out some colostrum and I fed some to them with a syringe. I put the rest in the freezer for future problems. Today the doeling is strong enough to nurse and is doing well, but the buckling is too weak to stand and has lost a lot of body temperature. I tube fed him this evening and have it laying on a heat pad. If he makes it through the night, I will be surprised.
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